Exodus 19:6
People effect each other in weird ways, and I find that the family emergency of my boss and her husband has led me to explore the concept of prayer, and it has led to a place I never expected: what my vocation is. As a person I had always thought it was to be funny or an artist, but I think I have to rethink that.
This has occured to me as I read about the story of the first intercessor ("religious" lawyer) Abraham. The thought of intercessory prayer had never occured to me. Sure I'd prayed for people, but not like a that. The power of that appealed to me, but not for the usual reason: to get prayers answered.
I found myself just simply wanting to draw closer to God. The first job of a priest. But the work of a priest is always for others, so I was surprised to see that both at the "beginning" of God's work on earth and its "end" (in revelations) He has always called His people to the work of priesting. Its ministering, it is drawing close to God, and learning to pray in a way that is in line with Him.
He is my Father, and I find myself simply want to spend time with Him. The first part of any intercession. It isn't about using God to do what we want but being with Him, and in turn everyone else.
and you have made them a kingdom
and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.
Revelation 5:10
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