Hebrews 2:10
I had a conversation with my Buddhist leaning brother, and one thing I noticed that comes up a lot when our conversations turn to this is the topic of suffering. I could totally be wrong, but it seems to me like he is trying to avoid suffering, or minimize it. (And by suffering it seems to me personal suffering, I don't think any one of any persuasion would want others to suffer.)
At times when we talk like this I think of the Hebrews verse I quoted. Christianity seems to embrace the concept of suffering, and make it a part of our redemption. At the heart of my faith is the concept of taking on suffering for others, in fact it is the reason Christianity exists. Jesus' willing sacrificial (suffering) offering of himself for others.
I don't so much want to run away from suffering (and don't long for more) but I want to work through the suffering in such a way that on the other side I am better for it not worse. Because suffering is inevitable but my response to it does not have to be.
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